Nkhani Zamakampani

  • Vutuum yopatuka pamutu: Tekinolo yofunikira yothandizira mphamvu yamagetsi

    Vutuum yopatuka pamutu: Tekinolo yofunikira yothandizira mphamvu yamagetsi

    Tanthauzo ndi mfundo za vacuum osungira chitoliro cha vacuum osungunuka chitoliro (vip) ndi matekinoloje osinthika osinthika omwe amagwiritsidwa ntchito kwambiri monga mpweya wachilengedwe (Lng) ndi mayendedwe ogulitsa mafakitale. Mfundo ya Core imakhudza ...
    Werengani zambiri
  • Kuyesa kwa kutentha pang'ono mu mayeso omaliza

    Chisoti chisanachoke chimasiya fakitale, chimafunikira kutumizidwa ku katswiri waluso ndikuyesa fakitale (mayeso omaliza). A large package & test factory has hundreds or thousands of test machines, chips in the test machine to undergo high and low temperature inspection, only passed the test chi...
    Werengani zambiri
  • Kapangidwe ka New Crouguenic Yotulutsa Vosible Stuxt

    Kulumikizana ndi kutaya kutentha kwa ma clowergentic ziphuphu kumatayika chifukwa cholumikizana. Mapangidwe a olumikizana a Clorgenic amayesa kuthamangitsa kutentha kochepa komanso kukhazikika kodalirika. Chrogenic joint agawidwa mu convex Jount ndi Controve Jount, pali kapangidwe kawiri ...
    Werengani zambiri
  • Kapangidwe ka New Cryfornum omwe adayikapo gawo losinthika losinthika

    Ndi chitukuko cha kuchuluka kwa rockegenic rocker, zofunikira za kudzaza mitengo yotsika ikuwonjezeka. Madzi a Clorkogenic Kutulutsa mapaipi ndi zida zofunikira mu Amospace Field, yomwe imagwiritsidwa ntchito mu dongosolo lodzaza la crylogenic. Mu kutentha kochepa ...
    Werengani zambiri
  • Kusanthula mafunso angapo mu Chrogenic Driperine Poyendedwe (1)

    Mafala Akutoma Nawonso ukadaulo wa clorgenic, zinthu zamadzimadzi zakhala zikugwira ntchito yofunika kwambiri m'malo ofunika kwambiri monga chuma chadziko lonse, kafukufuku wa National. Kafukufuku wasayansi. Kugwiritsa ntchito ma crorgenic Madzimadzi kumachokera pakusungirako komanso koyenera ...
    Werengani zambiri
  • Kusanthula mafunso angapo mu sturgenic madzi mapaipi (2)

    Geyser phenomenon Geyser phenomenon refers to the eruption phenomenon caused by the cryogenic liquid being transported down the vertical long pipe (referring to the length-diameter ratio reaching a certain value) due to the bubbles produced by the vaporization of the liquid, and the polymerizatio. ..
    Werengani zambiri
  • Kusanthula mafunso angapo mu Chrogenic Driperine Poyendedwe (3)

    Njira yosasunthika pakutumiza mu njira ya Progenic Dragenic Liperine, ntchito yapadera ndi njira zingapo zamadzimadzi zimasiyana ndi madzi otentha osinthika.
    Werengani zambiri
  • Kuyendetsa kwa hydrogen

    Storage and transportation of liquid hydrogen is the basis of safe, efficient, large-scale and low-cost application of liquid hydrogen, and also the key to solve the application of hydrogen technology route. Kusungidwa ndi mayendedwe a hydrogen amatha kugawidwa m'magulu awiri: contai ...
    Werengani zambiri
  • Kugwiritsa ntchito mphamvu za hydrogen

    Monga zero, mphamvu ya kaboni imayambitsa gwero la hydrogen yadzetsa chidwi cha padziko lonse lapansi. At present, the industrialization of hydrogen energy is faced with many key problems, especially the large-scale, low-cost manufacturing and long-distance transportation technologies, which have been the bott...
    Werengani zambiri
  • Molecular Brem Epithexial (MBE) Systems Makampani: msika ndi zochitika zamtsogolo mu 2022

    Molecular Brem Epithexial (MBE) Systems Makampani: msika ndi zochitika zamtsogolo mu 2022

    Molecular Black Epitaxy Technology idapangidwa ndi laboratories ya belu kumayambiriro kwa zaka za m'ma 1970s pamaziko a njira yoyatsira yoyaka ndi ...
    Werengani zambiri
  • Nkhani Zamakampani

    Nkhani Zamakampani

    A professional organization has boldly put forward the conclusion that cosmetic packaging materials generally account for 70% of the cost through research, and the importance of packaging materials in the cosmetic OEM process is self-evident. Kapangidwe kazinthu ndi sites kapena
    Werengani zambiri
  • Galimoto yamadzi yoyendera

    Galimoto yamadzi yoyendera

    Cryogenic liquids may be no strangers to everyone, in the liquid methane, ethane, propane, propylene, etc., all belong to the category of cryogenic liquids, such cryogenic liquids not only belong to flammable and explosive products, but also belong to low- Kutentha ...
    Werengani zambiri
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